Ye Weidi, M.D.


Medical School:Zhejiang University School of Medicine, China

Academic Rank:Associate Chief Physician


Clinical / Research Interests

Anesthesia in eye surgery and pediatric anesthesia.

Professional Highlights

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Education Experience

Research Summary


Weidi Ye, Zhiyong Hu, Xiuming Jin, Pei Wang. Effects of dexmedetomidine for retrobulbar anesthesia in orbital ball implants after enucleation surgery. Indian J Ophthalmol 2015;63:704-9.

Weidi Ye, Zhiyong Hu, Xiuming Jin. Retrobulbar dexmedetomidine decreases the MLAC of ropivacaine in vitreore nal surgery in children. Eur J Ophthalmol 2015; 25 (4): 352-356.

Weidi Ye, Yuhan Hu, Yuntao Wu, Zhirui Zhu, Zhiyong Hu. Retrobulbar dexmedetomidine in pediatric vitreoretinal surgery eliminates the need for intraoperative fentanyl and postoperative analgesia: A randomized controlled study.

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