SAHZU Medical Journal

World Journal of Emergency Medicine


SAHZU homes the World Journal of Emergency Medicine (WJEM, ISSN 1920-8642), an open-access international journal that publishes articles of interest to both clinicians and researchers involving emergency medicine around the world. It is the only Science Citation Index (SCI)- indexed Emergency Medicine journal based in Chinese mainland, and also abstracted and indexed in other world’s major databases such as PubMed, Europe PMC, Scopus, Google Scholar, Gale, ProQuest, and CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure), etc. The Journal’s impact factor now ranks the second among all the English journals in the field of Emergency Medicine in entire Asia. 54% of the editors and over 50% submissions are from all over the world.

Advances in Ophthalmology Practice and Research


Advances in Ophthalmology Practice and Research (AOPR, ISSN 2667-3762) is a newly established medical journal by SAHZU Ophthalmology in collaboration with the Zhejiang University Press. It is an open-access journal that investigates into various subspecialties of ophthalmology and related interdisciplinary and translational medicine fields, especially advanced eye-related technologies. The editorial board of the Journal consists of 59 experts and scholars in ophthalmology and visual science and related fields from 15 countries and regions around the world with international academic influence, including nine members of the Academia Ophthalmologica Internationalis and five board members of the International Council of Ophthalmology.

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