International Medicine Dept.

Outpatient Fee Schedule:

Initial Consultation (General Practitioner)CNY 200/visit
Follow-up Consultation (General Practitioner)CNY 100/visit
Initial Consultation (Specialist)CNY 600/visit
Follow-up Consultation (Specialist)CNY 500/visit
SAHZU-UCLA International Tele-PathologyCNY 2500/report
Spiral / Enhanced CT Scan CNY 600/spot
MRI Scan (1.0-1.5T)CNY 1205/person-time
UltrasonographyCNY 100/spot
ECGCNY 30/time
Routine Blood TestCNY 50/time
Routine Stool TestCNY 50/time
Routine Urine TestCNY 50/time

* Fee schedule may be subject to changes in certain circumstances. SAHZU reserves rights to explain.