
Delegation from CHU Grenoble Alpes Visited SAHZU

Delegation from Centre Hospital of University of Grenoble Aples, accompanied by Mr. Zhengfang Chen who is the Director of International Cooperation Department of Health and Family Planning Commission of Zhejiang Province, visited SAHZU on Oct. 12. The Delegation was welcomed by President Wang and Directors of Clinical Pharmacy, Neuro ICU, International Affairs Office and Vice Director of Nursing.

President Wang, on behalf of SAHZU, made a brief introduction about SAHZU for the French delegates who listened carefully and asked questions regarding things that interested them. Delegates from CHU Grenoble Alpes also introduced their hospital to SAHZU. Both parties are looking forward to their future collaboration beginning with academic exchange.

After the meeting, the delegation paid visits to International Telemedicine Center, Neuro Center, Catheter Lab and PIVAS Center.

CHU Grenoble Alpes has set up a formal collaboration with the Health and Family Planning Commission of Zhejiang Province this year with medical training as its starting project. Dr. Yinhong Hu, the Chair of Neuro ICU and Dr. Reng Ren will be the first batch of people visiting and studying at CHU Grenoble Alpes.

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