Department:Eye Center
Medical School:Zhejiang University School of Medicine, China
Academic Rank:Associate Chief Physician
Cataract extraction
Intraocular lens implantation
Nv-Xia Tong, Jin-Fu Yin, Xiu-Ming Jin, Xin Xie. Ex-press glaucoma shunt with adjunctive amniotic membrane and mitomycin C for post-traumatic glaucoma. Int Eye Sci 2017,17(8):1399-1403.
Nv-Xia Tong, Ying-Ying Zhao, Xiu-Ming Jin. Use of the Crawford tube for symptomatic epiphora without nasolacrimal obstruction. Int J Ophthalmol 2016;9 (2):282-285.
Jin X, Zhao Y, Tong N, Xu W. Use of crawford tube for chronic suppurative lacrimal canaliculitis. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg 2014;30 (3):229-232.
Tong N, He JC, Lu F, Wang Q, Qu J, Zhao YE. Changes in corneal wavefront aberrations in microincision and small-incision cataract surgery. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2008 Dec;34(12):2085-90.
Zhao Yun-e, Tong Nv-xia. Measurement of visual acuity at different distances after implantation of ReSTOR multifocal intraocular lenses. Chin J Ophthalmol, 2008, 44:33-37.
Tong Nv-Xia, Zhao Yun-e, Wang Qin-mei, Li Xing-yu. Distribution of human anterior corneal spherical aberration and its related factors. Chin J Ophthalmol, 2007, 43: 684-687.
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456 Qidi Road, Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou, China
1 Xihu Avenue, Shangcheng District, Hangzhou
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