Medical School:Zhejiang University School of Medicine, China
Academic Rank:Associate Chief Physician
Dr. YAN is mainly interested in cerebral vascular disease, such as ischemic stroke and intracranial hemorrhage, and also specifically focused on small vessel disease, such as leukoaraiosis, microbleeds, lacune, and brain atrophy.
Hu HT, Zhang B, Zhao YQ, Zhou H, Chen HF, Yan SQ. Efficacy of Intra-arterial Thrombolysis for Acute Central Retinal Artery Occlusion: a Meta-analysis. European Neurology. 2021(online). IF: 1.710.
Liu KQ, Jiang L, Zhao YQ, Xia WQ, Ruan J, Huang H, Niu GZ, Yan SQ, Yin CG. Risk factors of contrast extravasation and subsequent hemorrhagic transformation after thrombectomy. Journal of International Medical Research. 2021;49: 3000605211049074. IF: 1.671.
Zhang XT, Yan SQ, Zhong WS, Yu YN, Lou M. Early NT-proBNP elevation predicts malignant edema and death after reperfusion therapy in acute ischemic stroke patients. Stroke. 2020;31:4419-4427. IF: 7.914.
Liu KQ, Jiang L, Ruan J, Xia WQ, Huang H, Niu GZ, Yan SQ, Yin CG. The Role of Dual Energy CT in Evaluating Hemorrhagic Complications at Different Stages After Thrombectomy. Frontiers in Neurology. 2020;11:583441. IF: 4.003.
Yan SQ, Zhou Y, Han Q, Chen Y, Lou M. Potential role of two-phase cardiac CT in patients with embolic stroke of undetermined source. American Journal of Medicine. 2020;133:e290-e293. IF: 4.965.
Yan SQ, Zhang XT, Zhang RX, Xu JJ, Lou M. Early fibrinogen depletion and symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage after reperfusion therapy. Stroke. 2019;50:2716-2721. IF: 7.914.
Hu HT, Yan SQ, Zhou Y, Lou M. Time-dependent infarct volume affects the benefit of recanalization. NeuroImage-Clinical. 2019;24:102000. IF: 4.881.
Yin XZ, Zhou Y, Yan SQ, Lou M. Effects of Cerebral Blood Flow and White Matter Integrity on Cognition in CADASIL Patients. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2019;14:741. IF: 4.157.
Wang RM, Liu KQ, Ye XY, Yan SQ. Association Between Cerebral Microbleeds and Depression in the General Elderly Population: A Meta-Analysis. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2018;19:94. IF: 4.157.
Yan SQ, Xu MJ, Han Q, Ye KQ, Lai YX, Liu KQ, Liebeskind DS, Lou M. Late recanalization beyond 24 hours is associated with worse outcome: an observational study. European Radiology. 2017;27:24-31. IF: 5.315.
Yan SQ, Chen QM, Xu MJ, Sun JZ, Liebeskind DS, Lou M. Thrombus length estimation on delayed gadolinium-enhanced T1. Stroke. 2016;47:756-761. IF: 7.914.
Wang BL, Yan SQ, Xu MJ, Zhang S, Liu KQ, Hu HT, Selim M, Lou M. Timing of occurrence is the most important characteristic of spot sign. Stroke. 2016;47:1233-1238. IF: 7.914.
Liu KQ, Yan SQ, Zhang S, Guo Y, Lou M. Systolic blood pressure variability is associated with severe hemorrhagic transformation in the early stage after thrombolysis. Translational Stroke Research. 2016;7:186-191. IF: 6.829.