Medical School:Sun Yat-Sen University, China
Academic Rank:Associate Chief Physician
Neuroimmunological diseases, such as multiple sclerosis, neuromyelitis optica, myasthenia gravis, etc.
Member, Neuroinfection Committee, Neurology Branch, Chinese Medical Association
Prof. Xu's research focuses on the treatment effect of mesenchymal stem cells on the EAE mice of multiple sclerosis and its mechanism. The research interests of his team are mainly the clinical research of multiple sclerosis, neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders and autoimmune encephalitis.
Yongfeng Xu. Synergistic effect of rituximab with anti-epileptic Drugs in treating sero-negative limbic encephalitis: a case report. Int J Neurosci. 2020, Jan 6:1-4.
Juan Zhang, Yongfeng Xu, Lei Wu, Hongfu Li, Zhiying Wu. Characteristic of gut microbiota in Southeastern Chinese patients with neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders. Mult Scler Relat Disord. 2020, May 26;44.
Yaping Yan, Bo Zhang, Zhuocong Lou, Kaiming Liu, Ming Lou, Meiping Ding, Yongfeng Xu. A case of recurrent painful ophthalmoplegic Neuropathy. Front Neurol, 2020, 11: 440-444.
Yongfeng Xu, Liu L. Ipsilateral hemiparesis and contralateral lower limb paresis caused by anterior cerebral artery territory infarct. Neurosciences,2016, 21(3):256-259.
Yongfeng Xu, Liu Lan. Miller-Fisher syndrome associated with unilateral cerebral white matter lesions, Neurol Neurochir Pol, 2015,49(5):344-347.
Yongfeng Xu, Liu L. Rat bone marrow stromal cells derived neural stem cell-like cells could differentiate into functional Schwann cell-like cells in vitro. J Neurol Sci, 2012, 29(2):220-228.
Yongfeng Xu, Xiong F, Liu L, Zhang C. Rat bone marrow stromal cells could be induced into Schwann cell precursor-like cells in vitro. Neuroscience Letters, 2011, 488: 229-233.
Yongfeng Xu, Liu ZS, Liu L, Zhao CP, Xiong F, Zhou C, Li Y, Shan YC, Peng FN, Zhang C. Neurospheres from rat adipose-derived stem cells could be induced into functional Schwann cell-like cells in vitro. BMC Neuroscience, 2008, 9: 21-31.
Yongfeng Xu, Liu L, Li Y, Zhou C, Xiong F, Liu ZS, Gu R, Hou XM, Zhang C. Myelin-forming ability of Schwann cell-like cells induced from rat adipose-derived stem cells in vitro. Brain Research, 2008, 1239: 49–55.
Study on the effect and mechanism of cerebrospinal fluid transplantation of adipose derived neural stem cells for the treatment of EAE mice. Funding Source: National Natural Science Foundation of China.
Research on treatment effect of the mesenchymal stromal cells for the multiple sclerosis model rats. Funding Source: Special Fund for Outstanding Young Scientific and Technological Talents in Zhejiang Province.
Hypoxia inducible factor regulates metastasis potential of nasopharyngeal carcinoma stem cells. Funding Source: National Natural Science Foundation of China.